Fantastic Friday Read: “Saving sites: Pocket’s bookmarking app and its alternatives”
This is a good guide on how to start using read-it-later apps. Pocket has been my favorite for a number of years, but I’ve recently been playing with Matter because I keep hearing good things about it and I like its ability to highlight articles. For a number of years I was in the top 10% of Pocket users based off their little stickers that they used to send out to end-users before Firefox bought them. If I had to recommend 1x it would still be Pocket. RainDrop is also a really nice service, but its more of a bookmarking service. A lot more ways to organize pages into folders with different views depending on how you want. There are a lot of great options out there and I encourage people to try out a few. You can typically export/import from one service into another so I would not feel locked in.