Fantastic Friday Read: “Pixel Watch hands-on: Google’s taking a page from Apple”

Hobie Henning
2 min readOct 7, 2022


A good overview article and video from the Verge about the upcoming Pixel Watch. I think that its good that Google is leaning so heavily into Fitbit for all the health and fitness features their app has. Fitbit is a trusted fitness and health brand that people have been using for well over a decade. If anybody has been playing catch up to Fitbit, its really been Apple the last couple of years. I think having a watch that combines the smarts of Google’s Assistant and search with a trusted health company is a great move. Fitbit is particularly good because like Apple they approach overall health and just not working out, including sleep, stress, period tracking, food tracking, water intake, etc. Fitbit also does have a strong community for stuff like competitions and whatnot that I do envy a little bit as an Apple Watch user. I do really like the physical design of the watch and I’m looking forward to trying one out in person. The band selection does appear to be pretty good as well. Its good to see Google getting serious about smart watches again. I think competition between them and Apple is good for everyone involved. It does amuse me that they have two separate pages for the Pixel Watch. One on Fitbit’s website and one on the Pixels website with different focus points depending on the target audience. I think that speaks to how powerful Fitbit is as a brand.



Hobie Henning

IT Support Specialist V and Spring Hill College graduate who loves all things tech. If it has a flashing LED it has my immediate attention.